Forever Flight and Flooid Power developed a proposal towards the upgrade of airports across the United States with new technologies that will save their business money. We will build our technologies to provide local renewable energy while providing storage. Energy storage is vital to counter the rolling blackouts that exist in underserved communities such as Puerto Rico. After the last major hurricane, power went out in many communities for way too long and it put the citizens at risk. Flooid Power has designed, patented, and proven a solar thermal electric generation system that produces renewable electricity continuously and at microgrid or utility scales. During storms or floods, this new system is needed for communities or residents to maintain power. During storms or floods, it is especially important to eliminate blackouts. Residents need to know how to safely counteract the dangerous conditions during a storm, and with renewable energy hubs at airports, more lives can be saved.
Our Flame Tanager Toolkit plans for future energy needs and the changing fuel sources that will accompany the next generation of flight. The only acceptable (long-term) fuel sources for the next generation of flight are clean electricity and green hydrogen. That means additional loads of electricity will be needed, so our software calculates that additional load based on your flights per day and average size of planes. Forever Flight Worldwide’s primary goal is to make small and mid-sized airports a more efficient and cleaner airport while limiting the costs for the airport authority. With our Thunderbird Software, we can make a Sustainable Master Plan faster than any company in history.
Flooid Power Systems is a registered B corporation based in Massachusetts. FPS has developed, tested, proven, and patented two new technologies–a solar thermal electric generation system that produces renewable electricity continuously and at microgrid or utility scale; and a new HVAC/heat pump design that uses 60%-75% less electricity and can heat and cool as needed in temperatures down to -20F and as high as 140F. Flooid Power has developed a HVAC/heat pump design that will be licensed to qualified manufacturers in markets around the world. Widespread adoption of this design will help households and businesses save money through decreased energy use and better performance. FPS’s technologies can be central to developing a fully renewable, redundant, reliable grid in underserved communities.